
I need full-time student financial assistance

Apply for a student loan

The province of British Columbia offers Canada-B.C. integrated loans. An integrated student loan has two lenders, the governments of Canada and British Columbia. However, it is administered as a single loan, which streamlines service delivery as students sign a joint federal-provincial loan agreement and have a single point of contact for managing their loans. At the point of loan repayment, students make just one monthly payment towards their integrated loan balance.

Here's what you need to know about full-time student loans:

  • B.C. and Canada Students Loans are interest-free
  • You must be enrolled in at least 60% (40% for students with a permanent disability, or a persistent or prolonged disability) of a full-time course load.
  • Repayment will begin six months after your studies end.
  • You are responsible for repaying the total amount loaned to you.

If you are approved for full-time funding through StudentAid BC you need to complete and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement. This document is a legal contract with the provincial and federal governments. Read the terms and conditions to learn what your responsibilities are from application to repayment.

Find out more about determining your eligibility or how to apply for a loan.

Other funding programs

The following programs may also help you.

Are you an apprentice?
You may be eligible for financial supports during your apprenticeship. Learn about the financial supports available for apprentices in British Columbia.

Additional apprentice resources: