B.C. Access Grant (Full-Time)

This program provides upfront, non-repayable financial assistance to low- and middle-income students enrolled in full-time studies at B.C. public post-secondary institutions.

You must be enrolled as a full-time student in an undergraduate degree, diploma, or certificate program. If you are in a Master’s or PhD program, or enrolled in unclassified studies, you are not eligible.

What is available?

  • Based on your previous year’s annual income and family size, you could receive:
    • up to $4,000 per eight-month school year (up to $117.65 per week of study) for students enrolled in undergraduate programs that are less than two years in length.
    • up to $1,000 per eight-month school year (up to $29.41 per week of study) for students enrolled in undergraduate programs that are two or more years in length.
  • Students in a longer study period (up to 52 weeks of grant eligibility) may be eligible for more; students in a shorter study period may receive less.
  • You can receive this grant for each year of your undergraduate studies as long as you still qualify.

As family income increases, the grant amount decreases:

Income Thresholds for B.C. Access Grant for students enrolled in full-time programs of less than two years in length.

Family size
(number of people)
For maximum grant
(if gross family income is below the amount for family size, the student qualifies for the maximum grant)
For grant cut-off
(if gross family income is at or above these amounts for family size, the student does not qualify for the grant)
1 $36,811 $78,828
2 $52,059 $110,199
3 $63,760 $131,328
4 $73,624 $144,047
5 $82,313 $155,842
6 $90,170 $167,093
7+ $97,395 $176,760

Income Thresholds for B.C. Access Grant for students enrolled in full-time programs of two or more years in length.

Family size
(number of people)
For maximum grant
(if gross family income is below the amount for family size, the student qualifies for the maximum grant)
For grant cut-off
(if gross family income is at or above these amounts for family size, the student does not qualify for the grant)
1 $36,811 $47,315
2 $52,059 $66,594
3 $63,760 $80,652
4 $73,624 $91,230
5 $82,313 $100,695
6 $90,170 $109,401
7+ $97,395 $117,236

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible if you:

  • apply and qualify for full-time StudentAid BC financial assistance
  • have at least $1 of financial need assessed by the province
  • attend a B.C. public post-secondary institution

How do I apply?

There is no need to apply. You will be automatically assessed for this grant when you apply for a student loan.

How will I receive funding?

If you have been approved for the B.C. Access Grant, you will receive your funding by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via the National Student Loans Service Centre.

If your study period is 17 weeks or less, you will receive 100% of your funding at the start of your study period.

If your study period is longer than 17 weeks, you will receive half of your funding at the start and the other half at the midpoint of your study period.