Adult Upgrading Grant application

This program helps adults demonstrating financial need who are enrolled in skills upgrading, education and training courses.

What is available?

This grant helps with costs related to fees, books, supplies, transportation, and unsubsidized childcare. It also supports the cost of tuition for Adult Special Education programs.

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible if you are:

  • an adult
  • attending a public post-secondary institution in B.C.
  • enrolled in skills upgrading or education and training courses like:
    • Adult basic education
    • Adult special education
    • English as a second language

How do I apply?

This program is available if you are attending a B.C. public post-secondary institution that has been approved to administer Adult Upgrading Grant funding. Please download and complete the application form that is available on this page. Once complete, you are required to print, sign and submit the application form to the Financial Aid Office at your post-secondary institution. Should you require further assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office at your post-secondary institution.

Download Form