Rehabilitation after default

When you miss 9 months of payments, your loan goes into default.

The federal and provincial parts of the integrated loan are separated when your loan defaults. The amount you owe to the federal government is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for collection. The amount you owe to the province of B.C. is sent to Revenue Services of British Columbia (RSBC) for collection.

Rehabilitation helps you get your student loan back into good standing.

What is rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is the process of bringing your student loan back into good standing.

When your loan is back in good standing you can:

Am I eligible for loan rehabilitation?

You may be eligible for rehabilitation if:

  • you have a student loan through the province, or
  • if you are making your student loan payments to Revenue Services of British Columbia (RSBC)

You may not be eligible for rehabilitation if:

  • you have an active bankruptcy or consumer proposal
  • your outstanding loan balance is being collected because of a decision made in court

See how bankruptcy can impact your student loans.

How do I rehabilitate my B.C. student loan?

You have three options to rehabilitate your loan.

  1. 1Repay the entire loan amount, including all outstanding fees and interest, or
  2. 2Repay all outstanding fees and interest, followed by two monthly payments, or
  3. 3Make one payment that covers all outstanding fees, interest, and the total amount of two monthly payments.

The amount of your monthly payments is based on the payment plan you set up with RSBC.

If you got your B.C. student loan through a bank before August 2000, you need to contact RSBC for more information on how to rehabilitate your loan.

How will I know when my B.C. student loan is rehabilitated?

The National Student Loans Service Centre will let you know when you have rehabilitated your B.C. student loan. They will also give you details about your new monthly payment amount and length of your repayment period.

Who do I contact to rehabilitate my B.C. student loan?

Contact Revenue Services of British Columbia about rehabilitating your B.C. student loans.


1-866-345-3930 (toll free)

Contact the National Student Loans Service Centre for information about rehabilitating your Canada student loans.