
Increasing supports for students and borrowers

Published April 13, 2023

The B.C. government has announced important measures to help make school more affordable and to support individuals who need help repaying their student loans.

Doubling the Provincial Weekly Loan Maximums

Effective, August 1st, 2023, StudentAid BC will double the provincial weekly loan maximums:


Improving student financial supports for former youth in care

Published March 14, 2023

The B.C government announced improved student financial supports to help former youth in care access post-secondary education and trades training.

Starting on August 1st, 2023, StudentAid BC will improve supports for former youth in care by:

Persistent or Prolonged Disability

Persistent or Prolonged Disability is defined as “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment - or a functional limitation - that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary school level or to participate in the labour force and has lasted, or is expected to last, for a period of at least 12 months but is not expected to remain with the person for the person’s expected life.”

Information on lost, expired and replacement cheques

Information on lost, expired and replacement cheques

Loans and most grants are deposited directly into the bank account you have specified, but some grants may be sent to you by cheque. If you have a question about a cheque you have received or think you should have received, please read the following:

I did not receive, or I lost my cheque and I need a replacement.
If you didn’t receive or lost your cheque and would like a replacement, please contact StudentAid BC and we will issue you a new cheque.

I did not receive, or I lost my cheque, but I no longer need the funds.
If you didn’t receive or you lost your cheque and do not want a replacement, please contact StudentAid BC and indicate you don’t need the funds. If you don’t notify us that you no longer need the funds, it may impact your income taxes as a T4A will be issued.

I received my cheque but it has expired.
If you have received the cheque but it has expired, please contact StudentAid BC and we will issue you a replacement cheque. Cheques should be cashed as early as possible as they expire six months after being issued.

I received a cheque but I am not sure what the payment is for.
If you received a cheque and are unsure of what the payment is for, please review your Notice of Assessment (NoA) to determine what grant you have received.

I received my cheque but I no longer need the funds.
If you have received a cheque but do not intend to use the funds, please mail it back to StudentAid BC at the address below. Please include your application number and indicate you don’t need the funds so the cheque may be cancelled. If you don’t notify us that you no longer need the funds, it may impact your income taxes as a T4A will be issued.

Mailing address:

StudentAid BC
PO Box 9173 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC, V8W 9H7

Contact us

You can contact StudentAid BC at
1-800-561-1818 (toll-free from within Canada and the US), or
+1-778-309-4621 (from outside North America).

Please have your application number ready when contacting us.


If the original cheque was issued at or near the study end date, the cheque may be replaced at the discretion of StudentAid BC. A lost or destroyed cheque may also be replaced after the study end date.

To avoid delays in receiving a replacement cheque, ensure your mailing address is correct. To update your information, go to your Student Dashboard > My Account > Update Profile.

Am I eligible to stay in the non-repayment period or in-study payment-free status if I need to leave school for medical or parental reasons?

Effective October 1, 2020, StudentAid BC began offering a six-month medical or parental leave to borrowers who need to take a temporary leave from school for medical reasons, including mental health reasons, or following the birth or adoption of a child.

While on an approved medical or parental leave, you are considered to be in-study and therefore will maintain your payment-free status as well, time on medical or parental leave is not counted towards your lifetime maximum weeks of student financial assistance.

To learn more about the eligibility requirements and to access the application for medical or parental leave, please visit the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program page.

What if I need to take a temporary leave from school for medical or parental reasons?

StudentAid BC offers a six-month medical or parental leave to borrowers who need to take a temporary leave from school for medical reasons, including mental health reasons, or following the birth or adoption of a child.

During approved medical or parental leave, you will not be required to repay your federal or BC student loans. The medical or parental leave starts on the day after you withdrew from studies. If needed, you can extend your medical or parental leave for another six months, up to a maximum of 18 consecutive months.

There is no lifetime limit on medical and parental leave. If you return to school and experience another medical problem or welcome another child, you can reapply for new medical or parental leave for six months up to a maximum of another 18 months.

To learn more about the eligibility requirements and to access the application for medical or parental leave, please visit the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program page.

Note: The time you take on medical or parental leave does not count toward the lifetime maximum weeks of StudentAid BC financial assistance.