B.C. Supplemental Bursary for Students with Disabilities
What is available?
$800 bursary per program year is available if you:
- qualify for Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities
- are studying at a course load of 40% or greater.
$400 bursary per program year is available if you:
- qualify for Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities
- are studying at a course load of 20% to 39%.
Am I eligible?
You may be eligible if you:
- are a part-time or full-time student with a permanent disability, or a persistent or prolonged disability
- are enrolled in a designated public or private post-secondary institution
- are taking post-secondary level course(s)
How do I apply?
- You do not need to apply. You will be assessed automatically for the B.C. Supplemental Bursary for Students with Disabilities if you have previously submitted verification of your disability to StudentAid BC.
- If you have a permanent disability, or a persistent or prolonged disability, but it has not been verified by StudentAid BC, complete the Appendix 8 – Disability Programs Application form.
Download the Appendix 8 form that applies to you: full-time or part-time.