For student loans received before August 1, 2000
If you received a student loan before August 1, 2000 you have risk-shared and guaranteed loans. Contact the lending institution that holds these outstanding loans for all information on repayment.
Canada and B.C. student loans are repaid separately, however only one payment may be required.
- Canada student loans are repaid to the federal government.
- B.C. student loans are repaid to the Province of British Columbia.
Repaying Canada student loans
To find out more information about repaying your Canada-B.C. integrated student loans, visit the National Student Loans Services Centre website.
Repaying B.C. student loans
There are three types of B.C. student loans: direct lend , risk-sharing and guaranteed . You must make a separate payment for each type of loan you have.
If you received a B.C student loan after August 2000 you have direct lend B.C. student loan. Risk-sharing and guaranteed loans are no longer issued, but they must still be repaid if you have them.