If funds have not yet been issued, you may cancel your full-time loan application by following these instructions:
- Please call StudentAid BC (1-800-561-1818) to notify us of the cancellation request (verbal requests for cancellation will not be accepted to cancel an application but will allow StudentAid BC to put the application on hold to prevent further disbursements).
- Notify StudentAid BC in writing by email (StudentAidBC@gov.bc.ca) to request that your application be cancelled. Provide your name, StudentAid BC application number and the reasons for cancellation.
- StudentAid BC will cancel the application, and confirmation will be posted to your dashboard.
A 'request for cancellation’ letter may be submitted by the financial aid officer and school owners/operators due to non-attendance by a student.
If you change your decision to cancel your full-time application you must submit a new application if the cancellation process has occurred. If the cancellation process has not occurred, you must advise StudentAid BC in writing to cease the cancellation process.