What should I do if any information I provided in my full-time application has changed?

You must report any changes that affect the accuracy of the financial need and eligibility information in your student assistance application. Changes include but are not limited to:

  • Any new financial resources not listed in your application.
  • Any changes to the financial resources listed on your application.
  • Income, assets or investments of your parents/step-parents/sponsor/legal guardian.
  • Your program of study or study period dates.
  • Your marital status before the first day of classes.
  • Your living situation before the first day of classes (such as whether you are living in a home owned or rented by your parents, or living away from your parents' home).
  • The birth or adoption of a child

Have you changed your name?

Please submit the following documentation:

  • A copy of your Social Insurance Number card/letter or a copy of an official Government of Canada document that includes your Social Insurance Number;
  • A copy of government-issued identification clearly indicating your name, date of birth and gender.

Note: StudentAid BC checks the validity of your identification each time you apply; therefore, don’t forget to document your change of name with Service Canada.

How do I report changes to information originally provided in my full-time application?


  1. 1 Complete the Appendix 7: Request for reassessment form.
  2. 2 Submit the form to StudentAid BC through any of the following options:

All information is subject to verification. Keep all receipts and supporting documentation related to your changed circumstances, as these may be required.

If you fail to report changes to your application information, you may become ineligible for funding through StudentAid BC.

Full-time students

Download Form

The completed reassessment form and supporting documentation must be received by the StudentAid BC office no later than six weeks before your studies end. Funding cannot be issued after your studies end.

What if I transfer schools as a full-time student?


Two-week time limit for transfers
You may do a transfer if the length of time between leaving one school and starting your new school is two weeks or less; otherwise you are considered withdrawn from your previous school and you will have to complete a new StudentAid BC application.

Transferring before you get funding
If you have applied for, but have not yet received, StudentAid BC funding at the time you transfer schools, complete an Appendix 7: Request for reassessment and submit it to StudentAid BC for processing.

Transferring after you get funding

  1. 1 If you have already received your StudentAid BC funding when you change schools, complete Appendix 5.
  2. 2 Submit the form to StudentAid BC.

You, your old (original) school and your new school are all required to fill out separate sections of the Appendix 5 form, so you will need to contact the financial aid offices or school officials at both schools (the school you are transferring from and the school you are transferring to).

Your completed form must be received by StudentAid BC no later than six weeks before your study period ends.

Download Form

What if I need to take a temporary leave from school for medical or parental reasons?

You do not have to make payments on your student loans if you need to take a break from school for:

  • medical or mental health reasons, or
  • following the birth or adoption of a child

Your application for medical or parental leave is for a 6-month period. If you need to, you can extend your leave for up to two additional 6-month periods.

Your time on medical or parental leave does not count toward your lifetime maximum weeks of student aid.

Where can I apply for medical or parental leave?

You can apply online through the National Student Loans Service Centre website. Visit the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program website for details.

How do I request a reassessment for my full-time application?

What is a reassessment?

If your financial situation has changed since you applied, such as a change in your education costs or your financial resources, you can ask for a reassessment of your assessed financial need.

A reassessment is not an appeal. For more information about appeals, please visit Request an appeal for full-time students.

How do I ask for a reassessment?

  1. 1Complete the Appendix 7 – Request for reassessment form
  2. 2Upload the completed form to your StudentAid BC Dashboard

Full-time studies

Download Form

How do I report a change to my part-time application?

How do I edit my part-time application (before Confirmation of Enrolment)?

If you have submitted your application, but your enrolment has not yet been confirmed by your institution, you can edit your application and resubmit it.


  1. 1Log in to your Student Account for part-time students
  2. 2Click on the ‘Applications’ tab located on the top menu bar
  3. 3Select “Edit” and follow the steps

How do I request a change to my part-time application (after Confirmation of Enrolment)?

After your school has confirmed your enrolment, you must inform StudentAid BC of any changes to the information you provided in your application.


  1. 1Log in to your Student Account for part-time students
  2. 2Click on the ‘Request a Change’ tab located on the top menu bar
  3. 3Enter your application number
  4. 4Select from the drop-down menu which section(s) of your application you want to request a change on. You can select more than one section as part of a single change request
  5. 5Once all questions are complete, submit your changes for StudentAid BC review

Request a Change is not an appeal. For more information about appeals, please visit Request an appeal for part-time students.

Note: If you submitted a part-time paper application before November 20, 2024 and you want to request a reassessment, please complete the Part-Time Studies Request for Reassessment form, then create a new Student Account for part-time students and upload it using the File Uploader for StudentAid BC to review.

What if I transfer schools?

Transferring before you get funding
If you have not received your StudentAid BC funding when you change schools, please follow the instructions below:

  1. 1Log in to your Student Account for part-time students
  2. 2Click on the ‘Application’ tab located on the top menu bar
  3. 3Select 'Edit'
  4. 4Under the 'Program' tab, update your school information
  5. 5Once your edits are complete, click on ‘Submit’

Transferring after you get funding
If you have already received your StudentAid BC funding when you change schools, please follow the instructions below:

  1. 1Ask your institution to submit your withdrawal information to StudentAid BC
  2. 2Return the funding you received to the National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC)
  3. 3Contact StudentAid BC once the funds are returned to NSLSC, then StudentAid BC will make the withdrawal non-punitive.
  4. 4Log in to your Student Account for part-time students
  5. 5Complete a new application with your new school information and submit.