2012 StudentAid BC Internet Application Applicant Instructions - Signature Required

StudentAid BC Internet Application Applicant Instructions

1. As you have submitted your application, you can also print a copy of your application information by clicking on the "Print Application" icon, off the Applicant Home Page.

2. Note your Application Number - you can use your Application Number to inquire on the status of your application through the StudentAid BC telephone system at:

(250) -387-6100

(604) 660-2610 (from the B.C. lower mainland)

1-800-561-1818 (toll free in Canada/USA)

or via our website at www.StudentAidBC.ca

3. Make sure you have printed the Application Consent/Declaration Page and signed (in ink) both the Canada Revenue Agency Consent and Declaration Page to:

StudentAid BC

Faxed copies of the Declaration are not acceptable

Print your name and return address on the envelope. Ensure you are attaching sufficient postage. Do NOT mail this Instruction page.

5. Your Consent/Declaration Page and your parent's or spouse's Consent/Declaration Page (if applicable) may be mailed together in a single envelope to speed processing and to save on postage.

StudentAid BC Internet Application
Applicant Consent and Declaration Page

StudentAid BC Declaration
I am applying for financial assistance under the terms and conditions of StudentAid BC

I. I understand that:
(1) StudentAid BC of the Ministry of Advanced Education will determine the amount of money I may be eligible to receive;
(2) It is against the law to make false or misleading statements on the StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER} or all documents forming part of it;
(3) if I do not provide complete, accurate information or if I obtain or attempt to access financial assistance by fraudulent means, I will be denied student financial assistance and/or debt management measures now and in the future;
(4) All information is subject to audit and verification;
(5) if I receive money (loan or grant) and then it is discovered that my StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER}, or documents forming a part of it are not accurate, I will be required to repay all or part of the money, with interest. I will be required to do this if the mistake was made by me, my spouse/common law partner, parent(s), step-parent, sponsor, legal guardian, school or StudentAid BC. I will also be required to repay an overaward, plus interest, due to a change in my status. Repayment of outstanding overawards must commence no later than the first day of the seventh month after ceasing full-time studies.
(6) it is my responsibility to make sure the information on the StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER}, appendices 1, 2 and 3 (as applicable), and/or all the documents forming part of it, are accurate;
(7) all information provided in the application, and for the lifetime of my loans, may be audited and may be electronically matched with the Canada Revenue Agency, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, and the Ministry of Social Development to verify reporting accuracy, for the lifetime of my loans;
(8) if I cease to be eligible for funding, any tuition refund I will be eligible to receive will be sent by my school directly to the government or its agent to be applied to any outstanding loan principal or overawards.
(9) If I negotiate Canada - B.C. integrated student financial assistance, a portion or all of my loan money (disbursement) may, at the school's request, be sent directly to my school to pay tuition;

II. I understand that signing the printed declaration means:
(1) I have read the online StudentAid BC Guide and online Instructions provided with this application; (If you have not read the online StudentAid BC Guide, click here.)
(2) I have accurately answered all questions on the application and all documents forming part of it;
(3) I certify that all information is complete and accurate and I have not altered or added to any of the electronic output of StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER} and/or appendix questions;
(4) I will be a full-time student for the entire study period stated in the StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER}, and will maintain a satisfactory scholastic standing. A full-time student is one who is or will be enrolled and in attendance in credit courses of at least 60 percent (40 percent for students with permanent disabilities) of a full course load of at least 12 weeks in length and leading towards a certificate, diploma or degree as defined by the post-secondary school attended;
(5) None of the courses used to meet the minimum 60 percent (40 percent for students with permanent disabilities) of a full course load requirement are repeats/duplicates of courses for which I have previously received credits;
(6) I must pass at least 60 percent (40 percent for students with permanent disabilities) of a full course load for each application study period, or my eligibility for student financial assistance in future years of full-time post-secondary study will be affected;
(7) I need student financial assistance to continue my education;
(8) I will use the money I receive to pay my academic fees first; then, I will pay other educational costs and living costs directly related to my studies covered by this application;
(9) I have not applied nor will I apply or receive student loans, grants or bursaries from another province or territory during the study period stated in the StudentAid BC application {APPLICATION_NUMBER};
(10)will immediately notify StudentAid BC of any increase in my or my spouse/common-law partner's, parent(s)', step-parent's, sponsor's or legal guardian's income and/or assets and of any changes in my address, academic status (e.g. course load study period), marital status, or reduced number of dependants;
(11) For the purpose of research and verifying and/or investigating information pertaining to this application, related documents, and the eventual repayment of my loan awards, whether defaulted or not and any other money repayable, I consent to the release and/or collection of information between the Ministry of Advanced Education (or its agent) and the following agencies: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Royal Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia and other financial institutions, financial aid offices, schools, credit agencies, native bands and any crown corporations, federal, provincial, municipal ministries/departments/agencies, including but not limited to: WorkSafe BC, Superintendent of Bankruptcy, Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia, B.C. Registry Services, B.C. Ministry of Finance or its agent, B.C. Vital Statistics Agency, B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development, National Student Loans Service Centre, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, B.C. Ministry of Social Development, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, B.C. Assessment, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) and its agencies, B.C. Ministry of Education, and the Public Service agency;
(12) I consent to the disclosure of my name, date of birth, gender and contact information as indicated in Section 1 to the Ministry of Children and Family Development for the purpose of their verifying my yes response to Q.29 that I am a former BC youth in care. I understand that if I am, or may be eligible for the Youth Educational Assistance Fund (YEAF) bursary, I will be contacted by StudentAid BC;
(13) I consent to the verification of my Social Insurance Number, name, date of birth, gender, with information contained in Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's (HRSDC) social insurance register. This information will be disclosed to HRSDC and its agents, Public Service Agency for the purpose of confirming the accuracy of my identification in the context of my application for a Canada student loan;
(14) I agree to the collection and exchange of personal banking information which includes my bank account number, by and between the Ministry of Advanced Education and the National Student Loans Service Centre, for the sole purpose of a direct electronic deposit of funds and repayments as determined by the Ministry of Advanced Education.
(15) If I have entered into any agreements or signed any promissory notes under StudentAid BC or its predecessor, the BC Student Assistance Program, while I was a minor, I hereby ratify and affirm those agreements and notes and acknowledge that I am bound by same.
Collection and use of information. The information included in this form and authorized above is collected and managed in accordance with Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and under the authority of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, R.S.C. 1994, Chapter C-28 and StudentAid BC. The information provided will be used to determine eligibility for a benefit through StudentAid BC. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact the Executive Director, StudentAid BC, Ministry of Advanced Education, PO Box 9173, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9H7, or call (250) 387-6100.

Program Year