Health Program Bursaries – Student Recruitment and Retention Bursary

This bursary has been developed through the Ministry of Health’s Health Human Resource Strategy and is designed to attract students to priority health education programs and help fill key health workforce gaps across the province.

What is available?

The Student Recruitment and Retention Bursary is available to students who are enrolled in eligible health programs between September 1, 2023 to October 1, 2025. This bursary is only awarded once in a 12-month period at a rate of $2,000 per recipient per program year.

  • The Student Recruitment and Retention Bursary is available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents only.

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are enrolled in an eligible health program as of September 1, 2023 at a public B.C. post-secondary institution that leads to a Certificate, Diploma or Degree recognized for practice in B.C.
  • Eligible programs are:
    • Advanced Care Paramedic*
    • Biomedical Engineering Technologist*
    • Cardiovascular Perfusion*
    • Clinical Counsellor*
    • Environmental Health
    • Medical Lab Assistant
    • Medical Lab Technologist
    • Medical Radiography Technician
    • MRI Technician – First Discipline
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Primary Care Paramedic*
    • Radiation Therapy
    • Rehabilitation Assistant*
    • Respiratory Therapy

*New programs announced on May 1, 2024, for students enrolled as of April 1, 2024.


  • For part-time students in eligible health programs, the maximum bursary amount received will be based on coursework completed, not time spent to complete the program.

How do I apply?

There is no need to apply for this bursary. If you are enrolled in one of the eligible programs, you will be automatically assessed by your post-secondary institutions’ student financial aid office and a tuition credit will be applied to your account.

  • Students whose tuition is already being paid by a third party (employer, other government program, etc.) are not eligible for the Student Recruitment and Retention Bursary.

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills – Post-Secondary Programs Branch at